David Cassidy Memorial Plaque at the Phoenix Garden

Created by Camellia 4 years ago
We chose the opening line of the song sung from the award winning play Blood Brothers,  to be engraved on the Phoenix Garden Memorial Plaque in tribute to David back in July when we donated the two Cassidy Roses to the Phoenix Garden ....
“Tell me it’s not True”.... was to celebrate David’s enormous success in the role of “Mickey” in Blood Brothers. To celebrate and reflect David’s maturity and his unique talent and to show how he had successfully moved beyond the PF.
The part of Mickey, really enabled David to reach deep and draw on his dramatic acting skills and to display his extraordinary vocal talents.  David Cassidy made the role of “Mickey”quite his own. 
This is what David had always wanted to do and be, a serious dramatic actor since at the age of 3 years old, watching his mother Evelyn and father Jack Cassidy perform on stage. He had initially started his acting career in serious dramatic acting roles in some of the biggest TV shows of the time,  before securing the role of Keith in the Partridge Family. David showcased  exactly what he truly was capable of. 
It opened the doors of opportunity for David, to go on and lead him to even bigger, more creative work in theatre, stage and to producing his own work. David had reached the pinnacle of his acting and singing career once again. He was the most beautifully, talented, entertainers of all time.  
This line also speaks of what every fan felt the day the news broke about Davids passing. The utter disbelief that he was gone. I know I along with others  utter those words “Tell me it’s not True” every day, when the reality hits us and we realise that David is no longer with us. These words will forever be on so many fans  lips ......
The world lost an incredibly bright Light  a bright Star,  a man with an incredibly big Heart,  Soul, talent and a enormous capacity to Love and be Loved. David would have celebrated his 70th birthday this year. This  is another way to honour him, along with his Cassidy Memorial, and Remembrance Roses and his Forget~Me~Nots that will also be a beautiful Living, Loving tribute to a beautiful man and friend ~ Love in Bloom ~ in the Phoenix Garden, London ❤️🌹❤️
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#thecassidyrose #rememberdavidcassidy #davidcassidymemorialplaque
